Harris, Mat tie Anstice.
A glossary of the West Saxon Gospels.
,e in library JULY
It is to be assumed that all lexicographical work on Old English, if reasonably accurate and methodical, is likely, when published, to be serviceable to the cause of English scholarship. It is with this thought that the present Glossary was undertaken as part of a thesis for the degree of Ph. D., at Yale University, at the suggestion of Professor Albert S. Cook. As to the particular form into which it is cast, this is due to the belief on the part of Professor Cook that English lexicography has not been sufficiently studied from the point of view of semasiology, and that translations of the Bible afford the readiest means of entering upon this work.
The forms employed are those of the Corpus MS., that given in the first column of Skeat's edition.
With a good concordance of the Latin Vulgate, such as Dutri- pon's, the student who uses this book will have entire command of the material, and will be able to determine in all cases the rendering of each Latin word included in the Glossary in every passage where it occurs in the Gospels. By the aid of the Old English-Latin Index the book can be made to serve the usual purposes of an Old English Glossary.
Special and grateful acknowledgment is due to Professor Cook, under whose most patient and friendly oversight the work was brought to completion, and to Dr. E. D. Hanscom, who has kindly read the proof-sheets.
Rockford College, Rockford, 111., Jan. 26, 1898.
M. Anstice Harris.
abba: abba, Mk. 14,36. abesse (absit — ne gewurfte b'aet, 5set ne gewurfte, Lk. 20, 16. Mt. 16, 22). abire: feran (47).
faran, Mt. 10, 5; 12, 1. Mk. 6, 32. 33. J.4,3. 43; 5,15; 6,1.22; 9,7; 10,40; 11,46.54; 12,11; 14.3; 16,7; 18,8; 20,10. gan, Mt. 13, 46; 19,22; 21,29. Mk. 2, 12; 7, 30. J. 4, 28; 9, 11; 11,28.44; 12,36; 18,6. utgan, Mt. 11,7; 20,5. utf^ran, Mk. 11, 4. cuman, J. 4, 47. cyrran, J. 6, 67.
-, Mt.22,15. Mk.14,39. J.6,68; 12,19. abnegare: setsacan, Lk. 9, 23; 22,34.
wiftsacan, Mt. 16, 24. abominatio'. onsceonung, Mt. 24, 15. asceommg, Mk. 13, 14. ascuniendlic, Lk. 16, 15. abscindere: aceorfan, Mt.5.30; 18,8.
J. 18, 10.
ceorfan, Mk. 9, 42. slean, J.I 8, 26. abscondere: behydan (8).
bedlglian (bedllegian) , J. 8, 59;
12, 36.
bebydan (behydan?), Mt. 13, 44. absconditus: dlgol, Mt. 6, 4. 18;
13, 35. Lk. 11, 33. behydd, Mk. 4, 22. Lk. 8, 17 ; 12,
2; 19,42. absque: of, J. 16, 2.
abundantta (for avan'tta): gyt- sung, Lk. 12,15.
-, Mt. 12, 34. Lk. 6, 45. abundans (abundantius = mara,
Mt.5,37; genoh, J. 10, 10). abundare: habban genoh, Mt. 25,
29. Mk. 12,44. Lk. 15, 17. beon mara, Mt. 5, 20. habban, Mt. 13, 12. rlcsian, Mt. 24, 12. wela (for abundantia instead
of abundant^?), Lk. 21, 4. abyssus: grund, Lk. 8, 31. accedere: geneal<Bcan (48). cuman, Mt. 15, 1; 20,20; 21,23; 22,23; 24, 3; 25, 20. 22. 24; 26, 69. Mk. 6, 35. gan, Mt.13,27; 21,14. togenealiBcan, Mt. 24, 1. toladan, Lk. 9, 42.
— Ml 2 1,28. 30. accendere: omelan, Lk. 8, 16; 11,
33; 15,8. telan, Mt. 5, 15. bsernan, Lk. 12, 49.
— Lk. 22, 55.
acceptzis: andfenge, Lk. 4, 19. 24. accersere: clipian, Mk. 15, 44. accider e\ gebyrian, Mk. 9, 20. Lk.
10, 31.
cuman, Mk. 6, 21.
gewurtian, Lk. 24, 14. accipere: niman (45).
onfon, Mt. 1,20.24; 2,21; 7,8; 8,17; 10,8.41; 13,20.33; 19, 29; 20, 9. 10; 26, 26; 27, 6. 9;
accipere — adventus
28,15. Mk. 4, 16; 6, 41; 11, 24; 12, 2. 40; 14, 23: 15, 23. Lk. 2, 26.28; 11, 10; 13,19.21; 18, 17; 19, 12. 15; 20,47; 22, 17. 19; 24,30. J. 1,16; 5,34; 19,30. underfon, Mt. 25, 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. 24. J. 3, 11. 27. 32. 33; 5, 41. 43. 44; 7, 39; 12, 48; 13, 20; 14,17; 16,24; 17,8; 18,3; 20, 22.
geniman, Mt. 26, 27; 27, 24. 48. 59. afon, Mt.2, 12. Mk. 14,22. beon tifta, Mt. 21,22. habban, Mk. 12, 22. ofergan, Lk. 7, 16. wyrcan, Mt.28, 12. personam non accipere = for nanum men ne wandian, Lk. 20, 21.
— ,Mt. 13, 31; 20, 11; 23, 14. J. 7, 23. See also acceptus. accubitus: setl, Lk. 14, 7. accumbere: sittan, Mk. 2, 15; 6,39.
Lk.7,37.49; 13,29. accurrere: iernan, Mk. 9, 14. Lk.
15,20. • accusare: wregan (12).
gewregan, Mk. 3, 2. Lk. 6, 7. accusatio: wroht, J. 18, 29. acetum: eced, Mt. 27, 48. Mk. 15, 36.
Lk.23,36. J. 19,29.30. acquirer e\ gestrynan, Lk. 19, 16. actus: dsd, Lk. 23, 51. acus: nsedl, Mt.19,24. Mk. 10, 25.
Lk. 18, 25. adaperire-. ontynan. Mk. 7, 34. Lk.
adaquare: to wsetere, Lk. 13, 15. adaugere: geican, Lk. 17, 5. adder e\ - — , Lk. 20, 11. 12. adducere: l&dan (16).
bringan, Mk. 8, 22. Lk. 15, 23.
J. 7, 45.
geladan, Mk.11,2. J. 18,28. adesse: set wesan, Mk. 4, 29. beon her, Lk.23,48. Sar wesan, Lk. 13, 1. adharere: gebeodan, Mt. 19, 5. Mk.
10,7. folgian, Lk.15,15; 16,13.
clifian, Lk. 10, 11. adhibere: niman, Mt. 18, 16. adhuc: gvt (29). 5a, Mt26,47; 27,63. Lk. 22, 60. Sis, J. 2, 10. otSer, Mt. 26, 65.
cum adhuc tenebrce essent = ;"er hit leoht w«re, J. 20, 1. — Lk. 14, 32; 18, 22. adimplere\ gefyllan (12). adire: geneosian, Lk. 8, 19. adjicere: geicau (geycan), Mk. 4, 24.
Lk.3,20; 12,31; 19,11. geeacnian, Mt. 6, 27. 33. lean, Lk. 12, 25.
adjudicarc: - — , Lk. 23, 24. adjurare: healsian, Mt. 26, 63. Mk.
5,7. adjuvare: fylstan, Mt. 15, 25. Lk.
5,7; 10,40.
gefylstan, Mk. 9,21.23. admirari: wundrian (6).
— , Lk. 2, 48. admittere: geti'Sian, Mk. 5, 19.
latan, Mk. 5, 37.
admonere: gemyndgian, Mt. 2, 22. adolescens: geong. Mt. 19, 20. Lk.
7,14; 15, 12. 13. geong mann, Mt. 19, 22. iungling, Mk. 14, 51. adorare: geeaSinedan (12). gebiddan, Mt. 2, 8. 11 ; 14, 33; 15, 25. Mk. 5,6. Lk. 24,52. J. 4, 20—24; 12,20.
adorator: gebedraann, J. 4, 23. adulter: unrihthSmere, Lk. 18, 11. adultera: forliger, Mt. 11,39. unrihthffimend, Mt. 16, 4. unrihthSmed, Mk. 8, 38. adulterare: imrihthieman, Mt. 5, 32;
19,18. Mk. 10, 19. adulterium : unrihthSmed, Mt. 15,19.
Mk.7,21; 10,11. J.8,3. unriht hsemed, J. 8, 4. advenire: tobecuman, Mt. 6 10. tocunian, Lk. 11, 2. faran, J. 4, 47. cuman, J. 7, 6.
adventus: tocyme, Mt. 24, 3. 27. 37. 39.
adversarins — alabastruin.
adversarius: wifterwinna, Mt. 5, 25. Lk. 12, 58; 13, 17; 18, 3; 21, 15. adverse, see ex adverse, adversum : ongen (ongean), Mt. 5, 11 ; 26,62; 27, 13. Lk.9,50. J. 19,11. agen, Mt. 5, 23. Mk.9,39. adversus: ongen (ongean) (10). agen, Mk. 11,25; 14,55.56.57;
15,39. Lk. 14,31. ~advesperascere\ Sfenkecan, Lk. 24,
29. advocare'. clipian, Mt. 18, 2.
tuclipian, Mk. 7, 14. advolvere: toawylian, Mt. 27, 60.
Avylian, Mk. 15, 46. cpdes: teinpel, Lk. 11,51. (pdificare: timbrian (10). getiinbriau, Mt. 7, 24.26; 21,23. Mk. 12,1; 14,58. Lk.4,29; 7, 5. J.2,20. cddificans'. wyrhta, Mk. 12, 10. Lk.
20,17. (.cdificatio: getirnbrung, Mt. 24, 1.
Mk. 13, 2. ceger: untrum, Mk. 6, 13.
seoc, Mk. 16, 18.
agrotatio: untrumness, Mt. 8, 17. (equalis: gelic, Lk. 6, 34; 20, 36. J.
5,18. oeramentum\ arfajt and mantling,
Mk. 7, 4.
<srugo\ dm, Mt. 6, 19. 20. (Erumna: ofyrmft, Mk. 4, 19. <BS\ feoh, Mk. 6,8; 12,41. J. 2, 15. (Bra mmuhcm = feorftling, Lk.
21,2. <tstas\ sumor, Mt. 24, 32. Mk. 13, 28.
Lk. 21, 30. (Rstimare: wenan, Lk.7, 43; 13, 18.20.
tellan, Mill, 16. cestuare: adruwian, Mt. 13, 6. astus: h*te, Mt. 20, 12.
&ut (hate?), Lk. 12,55. eetas: yld, Lk. 2, 52. J. 9, 21. 23. ceternus: ece (29).
ecnyss, Mk.3,29; 11,14. Lk. 1,
32. J. 6, 52. 59; 8,35; 12,34. &fre, J. 14, 16.
non in sternum = ne . . . n$fre, J. 8, 51. 52; 10,28; 13,8.
-, J.4,13; 11,26.
afferre: bringan (21). beran, J. 15, 2. 8. 16. niman, J. 20, 27. afficere: geswencan, Mt. 22, 6. Mk.
12,4. Lk.21,16. gewyecean, Mk. 13, 12. Lk.20, 11. fordon, Mt. 10,21. affirmare\ s6<5an, Lk. 22, 59. affligere: geswencan, Lk. 8, 45. ager\ ajcer (23). land, Mt.19,29. Mk. 5, 14.
— , Mt. 13,36. agere: don (19).
geliBdan, Lk.4, 1; 8,29. gedon, Lk. 23, 15. curam agere = lucuiau, Lk. 10, 34.
— Mt. 15, 36. Lk. 14, 32; 17, 3. See also gratias agere. agitare'. awecgan, Mt. 11,7. agnoscere: oncnawan, Mt. 12, 33. gecnawan, Lk. 24, 16. cunnan, J. 10, 15. agnus\ lamb, Lk. 10, 3. J. 1, 29. 36;
21, 15. 16.
agonia\ gewinn, Lk. 22, 43. agricola\ eorQtylia (eorfttilia), Mt. 21, 33. 34. 40. Mk. 12, 1. J. 15, 1.
tilia (tylia), Mt. 21, 38. 41. Mk. 12,2.
— , Mt. 21, 35. Mk. 12, 2. aio\ cweSan (198).
secgean, Mt.4,19; 13,52; 26,35. 38.71; 27,21. Mk. 2, 17.25; 4,13.35.40; 5, 19; 6, 31; 7, 29; 9,11.34.35; 12,16.43; 14,18. Lk.3,14;4, 43; 5,24; 6,8; 10,18; 13,12; 16,2.29; 18,27; 22,15.46. respondens aio = an(d)swarian, Mt. 13,11.37; 15,3.13.28; 17, 11.16; 19,4. Mk.15,12. Lk. 11,45; 22,51; 23,3. swariau, Mk. 10, 20. 23. 29; 12, 24; 15, 2.
— , Lk. 7, 31. ala: fibere, Mt.23,37. alabastrum: sealfbox, Mk. 14, 3. Lk. 7,37.
alabastrum — amictus.
box, Mt. 26, 7. alapa (alapis cazdere = mid f ystum
beatan, Mk. 14, 65. alapam dare = slean raid handa,
J. 18, 22.
alapas dare = plsettan mid hand- urn, J. 19, 3).
album : hwlt reaf, J. 20, 12. albus: hwit, Mt.5,36; 17,2. Lk. 9,
29; 23, 11. sclr, J. 4, 35.
alienigena: aelfremede, Lk. 17, 18. alienus: fremede, Mt. 17,24. 25. Lk.
16, 12.
lineup, J. 10, 5. alioquin: elles, Mt. 6, 1. Mk. 2, 21.
22. Lk.5,36.37. gyf hi doS, Mt.9, 17. gif he Sonne wi'S hine gefeohtan ne mseg, Lk. 14, 32.
— , J. 14, 12. aUquando: set sumum cyrre, Lk.
22, 32.
aliquis: ffinig fting. Mt. 5, 23; 21.3; 24.17. Lk. 22, 35; 24,41. J. 1, 46. sum, Lk. 8, 2. 46; 9, 27; 11, 54;
23,8. sum Sing, Mt. 20, 20. Lk. 7, 40. i
J.5,14; 13,29. Snig, Mk. 11, 25. Lk. 19, 8. J.
7,48. an man, Mt. 12, 19; 22,16. Lk.
an Sing, Mk. 4, 22. an, Lk. 11,36. ffinig man, J. 4, 33. hwilc man, Mt. 18, 12. hwa, Lk.20,28. aliunde: elles, J. 10, 1. alius: oSer (77).
sum, Mt. 13, 5. 7. 8. 23; 16, 14. 20. 33; 21, 8. 35; 22, 5; 25, 15. Mk. 6,15; 8,28; 11,8; 12,5. Lk. 8,; 9,19; 11,16; 14, 20. J.7,41; 9,8.9.16; 10,21; 12 29
-, J. 6, 22; 18, 16; 19, 37. allidere: forgmdan, Mk. 9, 17.
alligare'. gebindan, Mt. 12, 29; 14, 3; 18, 18. Mk.3,27. Lk.13.16. bindan, Mt.13,30; 23.4. getiegan, Mt. 21, 2. Lk. 19, 30. wrlSan, Lk. 10,34. aloe: ale we, J. 19, 39. altar e: weofod (6).
altar, Mt. 5, 24. Lk. 11,51. alter: ofcer (28).
— , J. 19, 32.
alteruter (ad alterutrum = ffilc to oSrum, Mk. 4, 40; betwux him, Mk. 8, 16; — . Mk.
altilis: fugol, Mt. 22, 4. altitude : deop, Mt. 13, 5.
fticcness, Mk. 4, 5. altus: deop (dyp), Lk. 1, 78; 6,48.
heah, Lk. 16, 15. ex alto = ufene, Lk. 24, 49. alttsstmus=}&\L$lt (heahst), Lk. 1, 32. 35. 76; 6, 35; 8, 28; mffire, Mk. 5,7; heahness, hehness, Mt. 21, 9. Lk. 2, 14.
amare (vb.): lufian (16). amare (adv.): biterlice (bityrlice),
Mt.26.75. Lk.22,62. ambo: butu, Lk. 1, 6. 7; 5, 7.
begen, Mt. 15, 14; Lk. 6, 39. ambulare: gan (36). faran, J.7,1; 11,54. feran, Lk. 9, 57.
-, Mt. 14,26. Mk. 16,12. J. 6, 67. amen: soft (39).
soBlice, Mt.6,13.16; 10,15.23; 11,11; 13,17; 16,28; 17,19; 18,3.13.18; 19.23. Mk.3,28; 8,12.39; 10, 15; 12, 43; 13, 30; 14, Lk.4,24;7,9; 12,37; 18,17.29; 21,32. J. 8, 51; 12,24; 13,16. soCes, Mt. 5, 18. 26. amen, Lk. 24, 53. witodlice, Mt. 26,21.
— , Mk. 10, 29. Lk. 23, 43. _J.5,58.
arnica: freond, Lk. 15, 9. amictus: bewiefed, Mk. 14, 51.
amicus — appropiare.
amicus: freond (23).
gefrynd, Lk. 23, 12. amodo: heonon forb", Mt. 23, 29;
26, 29. J. 14, 7. aefter oysom, Mt.26,64. nu, J. 13, 19.
amovere: bescirian, Lk. 16, 4. amphora: wseterbuc, Lk. 20, 10. amplius: mare (ma), Mt. 5, 47; 22, 46. Mk. 7, 34; 14, 31; 15, 5. Lk.3,13; 12,4. J.8,11. leng, Mt.9,24. Lk.20,40. heonon forft, Mk. 11, 14.
— , Mk.9,7. amputare: aceorfan, Mk. 14,47. Lk.
22, 50.
ceorfan, Mk. 9, 44. aslean, Mt.26,51. an: hwsefter o"e (14).
5e, Mt. 22, 17; 27, 17. Mk. 13, 35.
Lk.20,22; 22,27. o$3e, Mt.11,3. Lk.6,9. hwjetter, Mt.27,49. — , Mt.26,53.
anathematizare: setsacan,Mk.l4, 71. ancilla: Slnen (6). Seowyn, Mt.26,69. wyln, Mt. 26, 71. ancilla ostiaria = duruCinen, J. 1 8,
anethum: dile, Mt. 23, 23. angariare: genledan, Mt. 5, 41. Mk.
niedan, Mt.27, 32. angelus: engel (engyl) (52).
j IVlt. J,Oj JLU.
angulus: hyrne, Mt. 6, 5; 21,42.
Mk.12,10. Lk.20,17. angustus: nearu, Mt. 17, 13. 14. Lk.
13,24. anima: sawol (41).
lif, J. 10, 11. 24; 13, 37. 38; 15, 13. -, Mt. 16, 25. Lk. 9, 56. J. 10, 15.
animcequior: geheort, Mk. 10, 49. annuere: beacnian, Lk. 5, 7. annulus: bring, Lk. 15, 22. annuntiare: cyftan (7).
bodian, Lk. 9, 60. annus: gear (ger) (17).
winter, Mk. 5, 25. 42. Lk. 2, 42; 3, 23; 8, 42. J. 2, 20; 5, 5; 8,57. ante: beforan (41).
£r, Mt. 8, 29; 24, 38. Mk. 15, 42. Lk. 11, 38; 24, 22. J. 11,55; 12,1; 13,1; 17,24. toforan, Mt. 7, 6; 17, 14; 25, 32. Mk. 6, 41; 10, 17. Lk. 1,17; 8,28; 11,6; 21,12. to, Lk.8,47; 17,16. — , Mk. 14, 68. antea: &r, Lk. 23, 12. antecedere: beforan reran, Mt. 2, 9.
toforan gan, Lk. 22, 47. antequam: 3er, Mil, 18; 6,8; 26,34.
Lk. 22, 15. £r5am, J. 8, 58. antiquus: eald, Mt.5,27.33. Lk.9,8.
eald tid, Mt. 5, 21. aperire: ontynan (untynan) (16). atynan, Mt. 13, 35. Lk. 13, 25;
24, 45.
geopenian, Mt. 17, 26; 20, 33; 27, 52. Mk.7,35. Lk. 1,64; 3,21; 24,31. J.9,10; 19,34. latan in, Mt. 25, 11. J. 10, 3. openian, Mk. 1, 10. J. 1, 51. apex: prica, Mt. 5, 18.
stsef, Lk. 16, 17. apostolus: apostol (9).
Srenddraca, J. 13, lt>. apparere: ajtywan (a3teowan) (16). qucB non apparent = 8e man innan ne sceawaS, Lk. 11, 44. applicare: wician, Mk. 6, 53. apponcre: asettan, Mk. 8,6. Lk. 10, 8.
settan, Mk. 8, 7. apprehendere: niman (10). gefon, Mt. 14, 31. Lk. 23, 26. J. 7,
32; 10,39.
a3thrinan, Mk. 8, 23. Lk. 9, 39. gegripan, Mk. 1, 31. gelaeccan, Mk. 9, 17. stupor apprehcndit omnes=Q&\\z wundredon, Lk. 5, 26.
-, Mk.12,3.8. Lk.9,47. appretiare: gebycgan, Mt.27, 9.
gewurSian, Mt. 27, 9. appropiare: genealiBcan, Lk. 10, 34: 12, 33.
appropinquate — aspicere.
appropinquare: genealsecan (26). aptus: andfenge, Lk. 9, 62. apud: mid (myd) (28).
betwux (betweox), Mk. 9, 9. J. 6,
gemang, J. 11, 54. to, J. 5, 45. wifc, Lk. 16,1.
quce apud illos sunt = ft a Sing fte hig habbaft, Lk. 10, 7.
-, Lk. 18, 11.27. aqua: wa3ter (40).
amphora aquce = wseterbuc,
Lk. 22, 10. aquila: earn, Mk. 24, 28. Lk. 17,
aqmlo: nor&dsel, Lk. 13, 29. arare\ erigan, Lk. 17, 7. aratrum: sulh, Lk. 9, 62. arbitrari: wenan, Mi 10, 34; 20, 10.
J.16,2; 21,25. tellan, Lk. 7, 7. arbor: treow (27). area: earc, Mt.24,38. Lk. 17,27. archisynagogus: dugufte ealdor, Lk.
13, 14.
heahealdor, Mk. 5, 38. heahgesamnung, Mk. 5, 22. 35.
— , Mk. 5, 36. architriclinus: drihte ealdor, J. 2,
arctus: angsum, Mt. 7, 14. ardere: baernan, Lk. 12, 35; 24,32.
J. 5, 35.
forba3rnan, J. 15, 6. area: ftyrscel-flor, Mt. 3, 12.
bernes flor, Lk. 3, 17. arefacere: forscrincan, Mt. 21, 19. arena: sandceosol, Mt. 7, 26. arere: forscrincan, Mt. 21,20. Mk.
11,21. Lk.8,6. adruwian, Mt. 13, 6. arescere: forscrincan, Mk. 9, 17. fordruwian, J. 15, 6. — , Lk. 21, 26. argenteus: scylling, Mt. 26, 15; 27,
3. 5. 9.
seolfor, Mt, 27, 6. argentum: seolfor, Mt. 10, 9. arguere: gerihtlsecan, J. 3, 20.
ascunian, J. 8, 46. Sywan, J. 16, 8. aridus: forscruncen (7).
drlge, Mt 12, 43. Lk. 23, 31. arida: eorfte, Mt. 23, 15. arma: wSepen, Lk. 11, 22. J. 18, 3. armare: gewSpnian, Lk. 11, 21. aroma: wyrtgemang, Mt. 16, 1.
Lk.23,56; 24,1. J. 19,40. arripere: gegripan, Lk. 8, 29. arundo: hreod, lifk. 15, 19; Lk.
as: pening, Mt. 10, 29. ascendere: astigan (18).
faran, Mt. 20, 18. Lk. 2, 42; 18, 31. J.2,13; 5,1; 7,8,10; 11, 55; 12,20.
gan, Mt 13, 2; 14, 23; 15,39. Mk. 4, 1 ; 5, 18; 6, 51. Lk. 8, 22; 9, 28. J. 6, 17.24; 21,3. feran, Mt 20, 17. Mk. 3. 13; 10, 32; 15,8.41. Lk.2,4; 18, 10; 19, 28. stigan, Mk. 4, 7; 6, 32. 45. Lk.
19,4. J. 10, 1. upstlgan (uppstigan), Mk. 4, 8. J.
uppgan, J. 21, 11. wesan, Mt. 14, 32. ascendere superius = sittan ufur,
Lk. 14, 10.
ipse autem ascendens namm re- versiis est = Sa wende he on scype agen, Lk. 8, 37.
— , Mt. 17, 27. Lk. 8, 22. asellus: assa, J. 12, 14. asina: asse, Mt. 21, 2; 5, 7. Lk. 19,
30. J. 12, 15. asinaria (mola asinaria = cweorn-
stan, Mk.9,41). asinus: assa, Lk. 13, 15; 14,5. aspectus: ansyn, Mt. 28, 3. asper: ungeryde, Lk. 3, 5. aspernari: forhogian, Lk. 18, 9. aspicere: behealdan, Mk. 15, 40. 47.
Lk.20, 17. J. 13,22. beseon, Mt. 14, 19. Mk. 8, 24. geseon, Mk. 12,41; 14,67. locian, Mk. 13, 1.
— , Mt. 19, 26.
assequi — benedicere.
assequi: gefylgean, Lk. 1, 3. assimilare: geefenl*can, Mt. 6, 8.
beon gelTc, Mt. 7, 24.
beon anllc, Mt. 18, 23.
geanlfcian, Mk. 4, 30. assistere: standan Sar, J. 18, 22. assuere: siwian, Mk. 2, 21. assumere: niman (10).
geniman, Mt. 4,8; 16,22; 24,40. 41; 26,37. Lk. 17,34.35.
afon, Mk. 16, 19.
gebringan, Mt. 4, 5.
onfon, Mk.4,36.
togeniman, Mt. 12,45. assumptio: andfeng, Lk. 9, 51. assus : gebrSed, Lk. 24, 42. as tare: setstandan, Mk. 14, 70.
standan, Lk. 1, 19.
standan abutan, Lk. 19, 24. atrium: cafertun (cauertun) (8).
botl, Mt. 26, 58.*
attendere: warnian, Mt. 7, 15. Lk. 12,1; 17,3; 20,46; 21,34.
begyman, Mt. 6, 1. audacter: dyrstiglice, Mk. 15, 43. audere: durran, Mt. 22, 46. Mk. 12,
34. Lk._20,40. J.21,12. audire: gehyran (206).
hlystan, Lk. 2, 46; 16, 29. J. 10, 20.
hyran, Mk. 6, 20.
gehlystan, Mk. 7, 16.
geseonO), Lk.21,9.
— , Mt. 13,43; 20,24. Mk. 10,41. Lk.8,13; 18,22. auditus: gehyrness, Mt. 13, 14. auditui nostro = b"a38 $e we ge-
hyrdon, J. 12, 38. auferre: afyrran (9).
retbredan, Mt. 13, 12; 21,43; 25,
29. Mk.4,25.
niman, Lk. 6, 29. 30; 16, 3; 19, 24. acyrran, Mk. 2, 20. don heonan, J. 2, 16. auricula: eare (7). auris: eare (15). hlyst, Lk. 7, 1.
— , Mt. 13, 43. aurum: gold, Mt. 2, 11; 10,9; 23,
16. 17. auster: suSdal, Mt. 12, 42. Lk. 11,
31; 12,55; 13,29. austerus: stl$, Lk. 19, 21. 22. avaritia: gytsung, Mk. 7, 22. Lk.
12, 15.
avarus: glfre, Lk. 16, 14. ave: hal (6).
avellere: alucan, Lk. 22, 41. avertere: forhwyrfan, Lk. 23, 14.
wyrnan, Mt. 5, 42. avis: fugel, Mk.4,32; Lk. 13, 34. azyma: azyma, Mk. 14, 12. Lk. 22,
benung, Mt. 26, 17. -, Mk. 14, 1.
bajtilare: beran, Mk. 14, 13. Lk.
14,27. J. 19, 17. baptisma: bweal, Mk. 7, 8.
— , Mk. 7, 4.
baptismus: fulluht (fulwiht) (10). baptizare: fullian (21). gefullian, Mt. 3, 6. 14. 16. Mk. 1, 5.9; 10,38.39; 16,16. Lk.3, 7,21; 7,29,30. J.3,23. ge?5wean, Mk. 7, 4. Lk. 11, 38. aSwean, Lk. 3, 12. - J.4,1.
bcatus: eadig (31). bellum: gefeoht, Mk. 13, 7. iturus committerc bellum = wyle faran and feohtan, Lk. 14, 31. bene: wel (13).
hal, Mk. 16, 18. benedicere: bletsian (14). gebletsian, Mt.21,9; 23,39; 26, 26. Mk. 11, 10. Lk. 1, 28. 42. 64. 68; 13, 35; 19,38. J. 12, 13.
benedictus — campester.
benedichis: gebletsod, Mt. 25, 34.
Mk. 14, 61.
benefacere: weldon (6). teala don (tala don), Mk. 14, 7;
Lk. 6, 27.
beneficus: fremfull, Lk. 22, 25. benignus (ipse benignus est = he
is God, Lk.6,35). bestia: wilddeor, Mk. 1, 13. bib ere: drincan (51). ofdrincan, Mk. 14, 23.
. i\l K. XOj .-* '.
biduum: twegen dagas, Mt. 26, 2.
Mk. 14, 1.
bimatus: twywintre, Mt. 2, 16. Mm: twa, Lk. 10, 1. J. 2, 6.
twa and twa, Mk. 6, 7. bis: tuwa (tua), Mk. 14, 30. 72. Lk.
18, 12.
bivium: twycene, Mk. 11, 4. blasphemare: bysmerian, Mt. 27,39.
Mk. 3, 28. 29.
dysegian, Mk. 2, 7. Lk. 22, 65. gremman, Mk. 15, 29. Lk. 23, 39. bysmorspSece sprecan, Mt. 9, 3. bysmor sprecan, J. 10, 36.
wiftersacan, Lk. 12, 10. blasphemavit — Sis ys bysmor-
spr&c, Mt. 26, 65.
blasphemia: bysmursp^c (bysmor- sprsec, bysmorspiec) , Mt. 12, 31; 26,65. J. 10,33. bysmorung, Mk. 3, 28. bysmur, Mk. 14, 64. dysiness, Mk. 7, 22. tallice word, Mt. 15, 19. woffung, Lk. 5, 21. bonum: god (18). betere, Mt. 18,8.9; 26,24. Mk.
9,; 14,21. seht, Mt. 25, 14. Lk. 19, 8. omnia bona sua = eall ftset he
ah, Mt. 24, 47. bonus: god (52). bos: oxa, Lk. 13, 15; 14,5.19. J.
2, 14. 15. brachium: earm. Lk. 1, 51.
strencS, J. 12, 38. breviare: gescyrtan, Mt. 24,22. Mk.
buccella: bita, J. 13,27.30. byssus: twin, Lk. 16, 19.
cadere: feallan (38).
afeallan, Mt. 12, 11. Lk. 6, 49.
befeallan, Mt. 10, 29. Lk. 14, 5.
cadere stiper collum ejus =
nine beclyppan, Lk. 15, 20. cadus: sester, Lk. 16, 6. cacatus: geblend, Mk. 8, 17. cacitas: blindness, Mk. 3, 5. ccecus: blind (44).
-, Mk. 10, 51. ccedere: beatan (7).
heawan, Mt. 21, 8. Mk. 11, 8.
swingan, Mk, 12,3. Lk. 20, 10.
beswingan, Mk. 15, 15.
ofslean, Mk. 21, 35. caterus: ofter (8). calamus: hreod, Mk. 15, 36. calcaneum: ho, J. 13, 18.
calcare: ofertredan. Lk. 10, 19.
fortredan, Lk. 21, 24. calceamentum : gescy, Mt. 3, 1 1 ; 10,
10. Lk. 10,4; 15,22; 22,35. sceoh, Mk. 1, 7.
corrigia calceamenti (-orum) = sceoSwang, Lk. 3, 16. J. 1, 27. calceare: gesceogan, Mk. 6, 9. calefacere: wyrman, Mk. 14, 54. 67.
J. 18, 18. 25. calix: calic (20).
-, Mt. 10, 42. calumnia: tal, Lk. 3, 14. calumniari: tselan, Mt. 5, 44.
onhlscean, Lk. 6, 28. camelus: olfend (oluend) (6). caminus: of en, Mt. 13, 42. campester: feldlic, Lk. 6, 17.
candelabrum circa.
candelabrum', candelstarf, Mt. 5, 15.
Mk.4,21. Lk.8,16; 11,33. candidus: hwit. Mk. 9, 2; 16,5. canere: blawan, Mt. 6, 2.
singai, Mt. 11, 17. cants: hund, Mt. 7,6; 15,26. Mk.
7,26. Lk. 16,21. cantare: era wan (11).
singan, Lk. 7, 32. cantus see galli cantus. caper e: befon, Mt. 22, 15. Mk. 12,
13. J.21,25. gefon, Lk. 5, 5. 9. 10. gebyrian, Lk. 13. 33. underfon, Mt. 19, 11. undernyman, Mt. 19. 12. wunian, J. 8, 37.
caperent eum in sermone = hig hine gescyldgudun, Lk. 20, 20. capientes singular metretas binas vel ternas = ale wses on twegra sestra gemete o$$e on Sreora, J. 2, 6.
-, Mk. 2, 2. Lk. 11, 54. capillus: locc (7).
fex, Lk. 7, 38. captivus: gehaeft, Lk. 4, 19.
hfeftling, Lk.21,24. captura: fiscwer, Lk. 5, 4.
wer, Lk. 5, 9. caput: heafod (33). career: cwertern (cweartern) (16). caritas-. lufu, Mt. 24, 12. Lk. 11, 42. caro: flffisc (21).
mann. Mt. 24, 22. J. 17, 2. earns: leof, Mk. 9, 7; 12,6. castclhmi: castel (14). ceaster, Mt. 9, 35; 10,11. J.7,
42; 11,1. 30.
burg (burh), Mt. 14, 15. Lk. 9, 6. castrare: belistnian, Mi 19, 12. catellus: hwelp, Mt. 15, 27. Mk.
7, 28. catena: racenteage, Mk. 5, 3. 4. Lk.
8,29. cathedra: lareowsetl, Mt. 23, 2. 6.
heahsetl, Mk. 11, 15. Lk.11,43. setl, Mt. 21, 12. Lk. 20, 46. catinus: disc, Mk. 14, 20. Lk. 11, 39.
causa: gylt. Mt. 27, 37. J. 18, 38;
19, 4. 6. Sing, Mt.5,32; 19,3. Lk.8,47;
23, 22.
intinga, Mt. 15, 9. Lk. 23, 4. \\. si ita est causa hominis — gyf hyt swa ys Sam menn, Mt. 19, 10.
caute : wserlice, Mk. 14, 44. cautio: fe$er(!), Lk. 16, 6. cavere: warnian (7). cellarium: bern, Lk. 12, 24. cenaculum see ccenaculum. census: gafol (gaful), Mt. 22. 17. 19.
toll, Mt, 17, 24. centenus: hundred, Mk. 6, 40. centesimus: hundfeald, Mt. 13,8.23. centies: hundfeald, Mk. 10, 30. centum: hund, Mt. 18, 12.28. Lk.
15,4; 16,6.7. hundfeald, Mk. 4, 8. 20. hundteontig (hundteonti), J. 19,
39; 21,11. centuplum: hundfeald. Mt. 19, 29.
Lk. 8, 8. centurio: hundredman, Mk. 15, 39.
44. Lk. 7, 2. 6. 23. 47. hundredes ealdor (hundrydes ealdor), Mt.8,5.8. 13; 27,54.
— , Mk. 15, 45. certtis: geare, Lk. 20, 6. cervical: bolster, Mk. 4, 38. cess are: geswican (7). cctus: hw«l, Mt. 12, 40. chaos: dwolma. Lk. 16,26. char— see car — . chlamys: scyccels, Mt. 27, 28. 31. chorus: wered, Lk. 15, 25. Christus: Crist (52). Godes gecoren, Lk. 23, 35.
-, Mt. 16, 16. cibus: mete (8).
cilicium: hiSre, Mt. 11, 21. Lk. 10, 13. cingere, gyrdan, J. 21, 18. cinis: axse, Mt. 11,21. Lk. 10, 13. circa: embe (ymbe, ymb) (15). abutan, Mk. 9, 13. Lk. 9, 12; 17,
2; 22,49. wio, Mk. 4, 4. 15. wiftgeondan, Mt. 3, 5.
circa — coelum.
fodere circa illam = bewurpan
miS meoxe, Lk. 13, 8. circ^litus'. abutan, Mk. 3, 34.
— , Mk. 6, 6.
circum: ymbutan, Ml 8, 18. circumcidere: ymbsn!<5an (ymsni- San) Lk. 1, 59. J. 7, 22.
— , Lk. 2, 21. circumcisio: ymbsnidennyss, J. 7, 22.
— , J. 7, 23. circumdare: betrymian, Mk. 19, 43.
Lk. 21, 20.
betynan, Mt. 21, 33. Mk. 12, 1. scrydan, Mt. 27, 28. J. 19, 2. behabban, Lk. 19, 43. bestandan, J. 10, 24. gecnyttan, Mk. 9, 41. stupor enim circumdederat eum
= he wundrode, Lk. 5, 9. circumferre : beran, Mk. 6, 55. circumfulgere'. ymbescTnan, Lk.
2,9. circumire: beferan, Mt. 4, 23; 23,
15. Mk.6,6. ymbferan, Mt. 9, 35. egressi autem circuibant = fer-
don hig Surh, Lk. 9, 6. ctrcumponere: settan, Mk. 15, 36.
J. 19, 29.
circumsedere: fetsittan, Lk. 22, 55. circiimspicere: beseon, Mk. 5, 32;
9,7; 10,23.
besceawian, Mk. 3, 5; 11,11. behealdan, Mk. 3, 34. gesceawian, Lk. 6, 10. circumstare: abutan standan, Mk.
14,69; 15,35. ymbutan (embe-uton) standan,
Mk.14,47. J.11,42. embe standan, Lk. 12, 1. cito: ra5e (hrafte), Mt. 5, 25. Mk. 9, 38. Lk. 14, 21; 15,22; 16,6; 18,8. J. 11,29. hrsBdlice, Mt. 28, 7. mid ofste, J. 11, 31. citius: ratfor, J. 20,4; rafte, J. 13,
27. cwis: burhsittende man, Lk. 15, 15.
leode, Lk. 19, 14. civitas: ceaster (cester, cajster) (62).
burg (bnrh), Mt. 10, 23; 11, 1. 20; 14,13; 21,17.18; 22, 7; 23, 34. Mk. 6, 33. Lk. 4, 29. J. 4. 28. 30 ; 11, 54.
burhwaru (burhware), Mt. 20, 10. Mk.1,33. Lk.7, 12.
— , Lk. 23, 19.
clam: on sunderspr&ce, Mt. 2, 7. clamor e\ clypian (34).
hryman, Mt. 8,29; 9,27; 11,16; 12,19. Mk.5,5.7; 15,13. Lk. 4,41; 9,39; 16,24; 18,38. clamare, dicens = cweftan, Mt.
14,30. Mk. 11,9. Lk.8,54. clamor (clamor factus est — man hrymde and cwseC, Mt. 25, 6.) clare: beorhtlice, Mk. 8, 25. clarificare: geswutelian (12). gewuldrian, J. 12, 28. gebeorhtan, J. 17,5.
, J. 13,32.
claritas : beorhtness (beorhtnyss), Lk.2,9. J.5,41; 17,5.22.24 claudere', belucan (7).
beclysan, Mt. 13, 15. Lk. 13, 25. claudus'. healt (10). . clams\ cseg, Mt. 16, 19. Lk. 11, 52. clavus: na3gel, J. 20, 25. clibanus (in clibanum — on fen [on of en?], Mt. 6, 30. in cli- banum mittitur = forscrincS, Lk. 12, 28).
co(equalis\ efengelic, Mt. 11, 16. ' coagitare: geheapian, Lk. 6, 38. coangustare'. genyrwan, Lk. 19, 43. coarctare'. geSrean, Lk. 12, 50. coccineMs: weolcenread, Mt. 27, 28. ccelestis: heofonlic (7). ccelum: heofon (112). heofone, Mt. 5, 10. 19. 20; 6, 20. 26; 8, 20; 12, 50; 13, 32. 52; 23,22; 24,29.30.35; 28,18. lyft, Mt. 16, 3.
ccelo = heofonum, Mt. 6, 10; 18, 18; 21, 25; 28, 2. Mk. 10, 21. Lk. 6, 23; 19,38. J. 3, 13. 27; 6, 32. 38. 41. 42. 50. 51. 59; 17,1.
regnum ccelorum = Godes rice, Mt. 19, 23.
ccelum — commendare.
qui in coslis est = heofonlic. Mk.11,26.
— , Mt. 13, 4; 18, 10; 24, 36. Mk. 4, 4. ccena\ feorm, Mk. 6, 21. Lk. 14, 12.
16. 17. 24. gebeorscipe (gebeorscype) , Mt.
23,6. Mk. 12,39. J. 2 1,20. Senung, J. 13,2.4. beorscipe, J. 12,2. ccenacuhim; heall, Mk. 14, 15. Lk.
22, 12. caznare: etan, Mt.26,26. Lk. 17.8.
geetan, Lk.22,20. ccepisse'. onginnan (ongynnan) (41). aginnan (agynnan) , Mt. 24, 29. Mk.6,7; 14,05. Lk.5,21; 12, 45; 14,30; 20,9; 22,23. weorftan, Mt. 14, 30. beginnan, Lk. 7, 49. genealsBcan, Mt. 4, 17. ccepisse vzdere—weor§a.ii geedni-
wod, Mk.8,25. ccepisse declinare = gewitan
forfy Lk. 9, 12.
ccepisse egere = weorftan wsSdla, Lk. 15, 14.
— , Mt. 16,22; 18,24; 26,
74. Mk. 5, 17; 6,55; 10,41.
Lk. 7,24; 11,29; 12,1. J.13,5.
cogere: nydan, Mk. 6, 45. Lk. 24, 29.
cogitare'. ftencan (21).
geftencan (geSencean), Mt. 6, 27.
J. 11,50.
illi cogitabant inter se, dicentcs = cwadon hig betwux him, Mt.21,25. cogitatio: geSanc (10).
gefcoht, Lk. 2, 35.
cognatio'. miegft, Mk. 6, 4. Lk. 1, 61. cognatus: cuSa, Lk. 1, 58; 2, 44; 14, 12; 21,16. J. 18,26. cognata: nuBge, Lk. 1,36. cognominarc: nemnaD, Lk. 6, 14. genemnan, J. 5, 2. qui cognominabatur Iscariotes = se w?es o^re naman Sea- rioth, Lk.22,3. cognoscere\ gecnawan (22).
oncnawan, Mt. 7, 20. Mk. 2,8;
5. 30; 8,17; 12,12. Lk.l.-l.±2.
34; 2,17; 6,44; 7,37; 19,44;
24,35. J.8,32; 10,38; 18,35;
14,31; 17,3; 8,23.25.
witan, Mt. 24, 39. Mk. 4, 1 3 ; 6, 38 ;
8,17; 13,28; 15,45. Lk.2,43;
9,11; 12, 47. 48; 19, 42; 24,18.
J. 4, 1; 5,6; 6, 15. 70; 7,51;
8,52; 10,6; 11,56; 16,19.
ongietan (ongytan), Mt. 21, 45.
Lk.20, 19. J. 4, 53; 7, 26; 19,4.
cunnan, Lk. 8, 17. J. 8, 55; 14, 717.
undergietan (undergytan) , Mt. 7,
16. J.8,27; 12,16. gehyran, Mt.22, 18. gretan, Mt. 1, 25. gecweman (!), J. 7. 17. cohors: folc, J. 18, 12. (Me and Ca
fiegnas J. 18, 3). Sreat, Mt. 27, 27. werod, Mk. 15, 16. coinquinare'. besmitan, Mk. 15, 11.
20. Mk.7, 15. smltan, Mk. 15, 18. colaphus: fyst, Mt. 26, 27. Mk. 14,65. colere: wurSian, Mt. 15, 9. Mk. 7, 7. colligere: gaderian (gadrian) (10). gegaderian, Mt. 13, 40. J. 6, 13. inlaSian: Mt. 25, 35. 38. gelaftian, Mt. 25, 43. collis: beorg (beorh). Lk. 3, 5 ; 23, 30. colloqui'. sprecan, Lk. 4, 36; 6,11.
cweftan, J. 1 1 , 56. collum: swura (swlra), Mt. 18, 6.
Mk.9,41. Lk. 17,2. caderc super collum cjus = hine
beclyppan, Lk. 15, 20. colonus: tilia (tiligea), Mk. 12. 7. 9.
Lk.20, 9. 14. 16. columba: culfre (10). comburere: forbsernan, Mt. 3, 12;
13,30.40. Lk.3,17. comedere: etan (9). fretan, Mk. 4. 4. Lk. 8, 5. Senung (!), Mt. 26, 17. — , Mt. 23, 14. comitatus: gefor, Lk. 2, 44. commemoratio: gemynd, Lk. 22, 19. commendare: bebeodan, Lk. 23, 46. befajstan, Lk. 12, 48.
comminari- confusio.
comminari: bebcodan, Mt. 9. 30; Mk.4,39; 9,24.
beodan, Mk. 1,43; 8,30; 10.48.
cySan. Mk.1,25; 8,33; 10,13.
forbeodan. Mk. 3, 12. comminuere: forbrecan, J. 19, 36.
tocwysan, Lk. 20, 18. commissura: scyp, Mt.9, 16 ; Lk. 5, 36. committere: befaestan. Mt. 25, 27.
wyrcan, Mk. 10, 11.
iturus committere bellum = wyle faran and feohtan, Lk. 14, 31. commodare: Isenan, Lk. 11, 5. commori: sweltan, Mk. 14, 31. commovere: astyrian, Mt. 24,29. Lk. 23,5.
onstyrian, Mt. 21, 10. communicare: besmltan, Mk. 7, 15.
18. 20. 23. communis : unftwogen, Mk. 7, 2.
besmiten, Mk. 7, 5. commutation gewrixl (gewryxl), Mt.
16,26. Mk.8,37. comparare: wiSmetan, Mk. 4, 30. compellere : hatan, Mt. 14, 22.
neadian, Lk. 14, 23. compes: fotcopps (fotcops), Mk. 5,
4. Lk.8.29.
complacere: gelician (6). complecti: beclyppan, Mk. 9, 35. complcre: gefyllan, Lk. 1, 1; 9,31. 51.
compleri et periclitari= forhtian,
Lk. 8, 23.
complures: manig, Mk. 5, 26. componere: logian, Mk. 1, 19. comprehendere: niman, Mt. 26, 55. Lk.22,54. J. 18,12.
befon, J. 12, 35.
gefon, Mk. 14, 48.
gegripan, Mt. 4, 24.
geniman, J. 1, 5.
comprtmere: Sringan, Mk. 5, 24. 31. Lk. 8, 45.
offiringan, Mk. 3, 9. Lk. 8,24. computare: tellan, Lk. 14, 28. conari\ Sencean, Lk. 1, 1. concedere: lyfan, Mk. 5, 13. concidere: ceorfan, Mk. 5, 5. concilium: gemot, Mt. 10, 17; 26,59. Mk. 15, 1. Lk. 22. 66. J. 11, 47.
geSeaht, Mt. 5, 22. Mk. 13, 9;
14, 55. concipere: geeacnian, Lk. 1, 24. 31.
36; 2,21.
eoncitare: astyrian, Mk. 15, 11. concludere'. beteon, Lk. 5, 6. conculcare: fortredan, Mt. 5, 13; 7, 6. Lk. 8,5.
tredan, Lk. 12, 1.
concupiscentia: gewilnung, Mk.4, 19. concupiscere: gewilnian, Mt. 5, 28. concurrere'. iernan, Mk. 6, 33.
toiernan, Mk. 9, 24.
concurrentes = togsedere comon,
concutere'. slean, Lk. 3, 14. condemnare: genyfterian (9).
fordeman, J. 8, 10. 11.
hyrwan, Mk. 14, 64. condere: gescippan, Mk. 13, 19. condire: gesyltan, Lk. 14, 34.
syltan, Mk. 9,49. condiscipulus: gefera, J. 11, 16. conducere: ahyrian, Mt. 20, 1.
hyrian, Mt. 20, 7. conferre'. smeagean, Lk. 2, 19.
reccean, Lk. 24, 17. confer tus: geheapod, Lk. 6, 38. confestim: sona (14).
hra3dlice, Mt. 3, 16; 8,3; 21,3; 26,49. Lk.19,11. -, Mk. 4, 17.
confidcre: geliefan, Mt. 9, 2. 22; 27, 43. Mk.6,50.
getruwian, Mk. 10, 24. J. 16, 33.
truwian, Lk. 11,22; 18,9. confirmare: getrymian, Lk. 22, 32.
trymian, Mk. 16, 20. confitcri: andettan (anddettan) (8).
cySan, Mt. 10, 32. J. 1, 20; 12, 42.
cweSan, Mt. 7, 23. J. 1, 20. confortare: gestrangian, Lk. 1, 80;
2,40; 22,43.
confricare\ gnldan, Lk. 6, 1. confringere; forbrecan, Lk. 4, 19.
tobrysan, Mt.21,44.
tocwysan, Mt. 12, 20. confundere: forseon, Mk. 8, 38. confusio'. gedrefedness, Lk. 21,25.
congratulari — contingere.
congrahdari'. blissian mid, Lk. 1,
58; 15,6.9.
congregarc: gegaderian (17). gaderian (gadrian), Ml 6, 26; 12, 30; 13,30.47; 25,24.26. Mk. 13,27. Lk. 3, 17; 12,17.18. J. 4, 6. gesamnian, Mt. 13, 2; 26, 3; 27,
17; 28,12. J. 11,52. togegaderian, Mk. 4, 1. conjungere: gesamnian, Mt. 19, 6.
Mk. 10, 9.
conjux: gemsecca, Mt. 1,20. 24. conquassare: forbryttan, Lk. 20, 18. conquirere: smeagean, Mk. 8, 1 1 ; 9,
9.15; 12,28. sprecan, Mk. 9, 13. — , Mk. 1, 27. consentirc'. geftwierian, Mt. 18, 19.
Lk. 23, 51. Safian, Lk. 11,48. onbugau, Mt. 5, 25. consequi'. begytan, Mt. 5, 7. conservare: gehealdan, Mt. 9, 17.
Lk.2,19.51; 4,10; 5,38. conservus: efenfteow(a), Mt. 18, 29.
31.33; 24,49. Seowa, Mt. 18, 28. considerare'. besceawian, Mt. 6, 28.
Lk. 12, 24. geseon, Lk. 6, 41. ongietan, Lk.20,23. sceawian, Lk. 12, 27. consilium: gemot, Mt. 26, 4; 27,1;
28,12. Mk.15,1. getteaht, Mt. 12, 14. Lk. 7, 30;
consilium dare = dihtan, J. 18,14. consilium facere = 5eahtian,Mk.
3,6. consilium inire = ongiunaii
radan, Mt. 22, 15. consolari', gefrefran, Mt. 2, 18; 5,5.
Lk. 16, 25.
frefrian, J. 11, 19.31. consolatio: frofor, Lk. 2, 25; 6,24. conspectus: ansyn, Lk. 9, 52.
gesyhfc, J.20,30. conspirare: gedihtan, J. 9, 22. conspuere'. spStan, Mk. 10, 34; 14,
65; 15,19. Lk.18,32. constantcr\ anradlice, Lk. 23, 10. consternare: af&ran, Lk. 24, 4. constttuere: gesettan (10). bebeodan, Mt. 26, 19. behatan, Mt. 26, 15. dihtan, Mt. 28, 16. settan, Lk. 12, 14. constitutio\ fruma, Lk. 11,50. frymS, Mt. 25, 34. gesetedness, Mt. 13, 35. ante constitutionem mundi = £r middan-eard gesett waes, J.I 7, 24. consuesccre: gewunian, Mt. 27, 15.
Mk. 10, 1.
consuetudo: gewuna (6). consumere'. forniman, Lk. 9, 54. consummare: geendian (11). gefyllan, Lk. 2, 21. 43; 4, 2. 13.
Lk. 18,31. J.19,28. amyrran, Lk. 15, 14. befaran, Mt. 10,23. consummari == beon fornumen,
Lk. 13, 32. consummatio: endung, Mt. 13, 39.
40. 49. geendung, Mt.24,3.14; 28,20.
consurgere: arlsan, Mt. 2, 21. Mk.
13,12. Lk.5,25. winnan, Mt. 24, 7. Mk. 3, 26. contaminare\ besmitan, J. 18, 28. contcmnere'. oferhogian, Mt. 18, 10.
forhogian, Lk. 16, 13. beon ungehyrsum, Mt. 6, 24. contendere\ flitan, Mt. 5, 40; 12, 19.
efstan, Lk. 13, 24. contenebrare: a^eostrian, Mk. 13,24. contentio (facta est contentio = hi
flitun, Lk. 22, 24). contentus: e^hylde, Lk. 3, 14. conterere: tobrysan, Mt. 21,44.
— , Lk. 4, 18.
conterrere\ afSran, Lk. 24, 37. contexere'. awefan, J. 19, 23. continere: gehealdan. Mk. 9, 9. contingere\ gebyrian, Lk. 8,42; 15, 12; 21,13.
contingere — coruscate
gelimpan, Mt. 18, 13. getldan, J. 5, 14. continue', hrsedlice (11).
sona, Mt. 21, 19. Mk.6,54; 9,23;
11.3. Lk.4,39; 8,55. tkerrihte (Mrrihte), Mt.4,20. J.
4,27; 13,30. sainninga, Lk. 22, 60.
— , J. 13, 32.
contra: ongen (ongean) (14). agen, Mk. 4, 35. Lk. 21, 10.